Ticks are small blood-sucking external parasites that are related to spiders.
Anyone who spends time in the great outdoors knows about the threat of disease-carrying ticks to dogs as well as their owners. Ticks are efficient hunters, waiting (“questing”) in brush or tall grass for a host to latch onto. And once attached, ticks on dogs or other mammals remain—often unnoticed—for several days, making them excellent carriers for disease. After feeding, an engorged female falls off to lay 3,000-6,000 eggs! For more information about Ticks, click here

Most dogs and cats will pick up fleas at least once in their lifetime. Even pets that never go outdoors are at risk from fleas that can find their way into your home.
Getting fleas doesn’t have to be a big deal for you and your pet, but it is important to catch and stop fleas early, before they multiply inside your home and become an even bigger problem. That’s why regularly checking for fleas should be part of your routine pet care. Female fleas lay up to 50 eggs per day; that’s 2,500 eggs after 50 days! Fleas can bite up to 400 times per day and suck up to 15 times their own weight in blood For more information about fleas, click here